AWS Community Builder!

AWS Community Builder logo on a blue background
I'm in!

It's with pretty big excitement that I get to announce I am an AWS Community Builder for Security.

Community Builders work with AWS internal teams and AWS Heroes to learn and grow and, probably most importantly, share content about AWS. Since I am in the security part of it, expect to see mostly security related things, but I do still post about a lot of topics.

Community Builders spend a lot of time on a particular AWS-owned Slack workspace (though under NDA, so don't expect a fountain of secrets!) that allows Heroes, Builders, and AWS Employees to interact and discuss. Plus, from time to time, there's cool swag. Mostly, though, it's getting food discussion and insight to make better content for everyone.

Look forward to more things written about AWS, Security, and related topics in the near future!

Marty Henderson

Marty Henderson

Marty is an Independent Consultant and an AWS Community Builder. Outside of work, he fixes the various 3D printers in his house, drinks copious amounts of iced tea, and tries to learn new things.
Madison, WI