Certifications as a Measurement a year ago 4 min read awscertificationssecurity A discussion about the new AWS Security exam and how taking it without study taught me something new.
AWS PartyRock a year ago 5 min read awsgenai AWS latest playground tool "Partyrock" has a ton of cool features worth using for most people interested in what Generative AI is and want to build easy apps in it.
IAM Policies a year ago 5 min read awsiamsecurity A comparison between IAM policy design and people who can use my kitchen.
Assume Role and Wizards a year ago 4 min read awssecurityiam A quick way to understand how IAM's "AssumeRole" works with actors that have played Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.
Chasing Certifications 2 years ago 4 min read awscertificationsgcppmp A quick discussion about the value of certifications